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Artfully Crafted Dentures Designed to Look Amazing and Feel Great

Dentures are a very common dental prosthetic option. Prof.Dr. Siddik Malkoc takes pride in his ability to provide patients with the best fitting and most esthetic dentures possible by performing all the necessary steps meticulously, which produces the best product. He uses local labs that provide the best quality materials. Schedule your consultation with our Antalya dentist today and discover how dentures can improve your life!

What are Dentures?
Dentures are false teeth that can replace some or all of a patient’s teeth. They are removable and can be attached to implants. Nothing is better than your own, natural teeth, but dentures can closely mimic them. Dentures are used to:

  • tooth pain
  • facial pain
  • any facial swelling
  • swelling in the mouth

The Perks of Dentures
Dentures provide patients with several benefits including:

  • Improved self-esteem and confidence
  • Improved speech
  • Support of your facial muscles for a more youthful appearance
  • Improved chewing and digestion

We Offer a Variety of Denture Options
Dr. Siddik Malkoc will spend the time to discover your individual’s needs and wants and the makeup of your jaw/bone to determine which prosthetic option is best to fix your smile. Each individual is different, which is why Dr. Malkoc will discuss the treatment options that fit your individual smile. Dr. Malkoc is also sure to schedule a try-on appointment, so you can see and approve what the final denture will look like.

Immediate Dentures
Dr. Siddik Malkoc offers immediate dentures that are made prior to getting your teeth removed, so you do not have to be without teeth.

Complete Dentures
Complete dentures are a full-coverage oral prosthetic that replaces the complete arch of lower or upper teeth. These dentures are used when patients have lost all of the teeth on their upper and/or lower jaw. These dentures are horseshoe shaped to allow your tongue to rest comfortably.

Partials Dentures
Partial dentures are used to fill intermittent gaps in your smile. Your remaining teeth are generally used to anchor the prosthetic in place. They are also usually removable for cleaning and sleeping.

These dentures usually involve the use of dental implants as anchors. These overdentures are “snapped” down over the implants to keep them in place. This option is usually more comfortable to wear and make chewing and speaking easier.


For more information fill in the form below or call +90 555 034 73 78

Frequently Asked Questions

Today, it’s easier than ever to replace missing teeth and achieve natural-looking, durable, and long-lasting results! Depending a patient’s dental needs, lifestyle, expectations of care, and budget, choices can include conventional fixed bridgework, dental implants, or removable partial and complete dentures. At the office of SM Dental Turkey, we’ll discuss all your options in care and answer all your questions as you choose the solution that’s right for you.

With advances in dental materials and technology, today’s dentures are more comfortable and realistic-looking than ever before.

Whether you wear partial or complete dentures, it’s essential to see the dentist for routine care. Besides checking the fit and condition of your dentures and making any necessary adjustments, you’ll also receive a comprehensive exam to check on the health of any remaining teeth as well the soft and hard tissues in and around the oral cavity.

A same-day denture offers an accelerated design and fabrication process that allows a patient to go from impression taking to denture insertion in a single day.


For patients who don’t want to wait after having teeth extracted, an immediate denture can be inserted the same day your teeth are removed. Sometime later you may need the denture reline to address any changes in its fit once the extraction sites have completely healed.

While no one wants to drop or break a partial or complete denture, accidents do happen. The good news is that in some cases, your partial or complete denture is reparable. It all depends on the extent of the damage. Don’t hesitate to contact our office if you’ve broken or damaged your denture. We’re happy to help.

The simple act of taking your partial denture in and out can cause certain types of metal clasps to loosen over time. When you come in for your checkup visit or contact our office for an adjustment, we’ll assess the fit of your partial and tighten the clasps for improved stability and comfort.