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Oral Surgery can correct dental complications, such as missing teeth, impacted wisdom teeth, broken or damaged teeth, jawbone loss, TMJ disorders, and more. Our office is fully equipped with the most advanced technology and latest techniques to help restore your smile. Dr. Siddik Malkoc works closely with our recommended Antalya oral surgeon to achieve natural-looking results for each patient.

Oral surgery can alleviate discomfort associated with a dental condition. Learn more about oral surgery procedures below.



Full mouth reconstruction combines oral surgery procedures along with restorative procedures to restore a healthy smile. Full mouth reconstruction is completely customizable for each patient. Some of the most common oral surgery procedures performed during full mouth reconstruction include tooth extraction, implant-supported dental bridges, full mouth dental implants, dental implant surgery, and dental bone grafts. In many cases, full mouth reconstruction is performed over several visits to allow proper healing between each procedure.


Tooth extraction involves removing the entire tooth. Oral surgeons always attempt to save a tooth if possible. However, in some instances, tooth extraction is the best option when decay, disease, or damage to the tooth are irreversible, leading to an non-restorable tooth. Tooth removal is often suggested to prevent decay or an infection from spreading. Tooth extraction surgery can also be performed to correct overcrowding, remove a broken or damaged tooth, or to prepare your mouth for future dental implants. In the majority of cases, tooth extraction is often combined with dental implant surgery or a tooth replacement procedure.


Wisdom teeth removal may be necessary to extract wisdom teeth that are partially impacted, fully impacted, or that are causing discomfort. Wisdom teeth extraction can alleviate painful symptoms related to wisdom teeth that are emerging from the gumline improperly. In the majority of cases, there is not enough room for the wisdom teeth to adequately emerge from the gumline. Wisdom teeth can cause toothaches, damage to neighboring teeth, jaw pain, cysts, and even nerve damage if left untreated. We offer wisdom teeth removal to alleviate these painful symptoms.


Dental bone grafting can correct low jawbone density with the use of bone grafting material. A dental bone graft can stimulate the growth of new bone in the jaw. A dental bone graft may be recommended for patients who are not eligible for dental implants due to improper jawbone density. Dental bone grafting improves overall jawbone density and can ensure a stable foundation for future dental implants. Additionally, a dental bone graft can maintain the structure of the face and jaw by replacing the missing bone.


The TMJ are your temporomandibular joints, which are the joints on either side of the face that connect the jawbone to the skull. TMD or TMJ disorder can occur when these joints are not functioning properly, if teeth are misaligned, or the patient’s jaw is grinding or clicking. Our dentists offer non-surgical TMJ treatments for patients looking to alleviate pain from a TMJ disorder. For more severe cases, TMJ surgery is sometimes needed to correct painful symptoms associated with a TMJ disorder.


Root canal surgery can treat an infection within a tooth by thoroughly cleaning out the tooth. A root canal can stop the infection from spreading or worsening. If performed early, a root canal can also save a tooth from having to be pulled. A root canal treatment allows for patients to talk, smile, and eat without pain. Endodontists are experts in the field of root canal surgery and can provide prompt relief from a painful infected tooth.


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